Blogger Widgets Architectural Design 1: Introduction to Design

Architectural Design 1: Introduction to Design


Course Description: Design fundamentals involving basic creative design exercises with emphasis on space, form and mass.

Number of Units: Lecture – 1unit and Studio – 1 unit
Number of Contact Hours per week: Lecture - 1 hour and Studio – 3 hours

Prerequisite/ Co-requisite: None

Related Textbooks and References:
  • Architectural Graphic Standards: McGraw Hill. Latest Edition
  • Building Types: Time Savers: McGraw Hill. Latest Edition References:
  • Architecture And Identity: Responses To Cultural And Technological Change. Abel, Chris. 2000.
  • Architecture And Polyphony: Building In The Islamic World Today. 2004.
  • Architecture And The World Outside. Woud, Auke van der. 2001.
  • Architecture: Form, Space & Order. Ching, Francis D.K. Latest Edition
  • Architecture In The Philippines: Filipino Building In A Cross - Cultural Context. Klassen, Winand. 1986.
  • Architecture Is Elementary: Visual Thinking Through Architectural Concepts. Winters, Nathan B. 1997.
  • Building Design For Handicapped And Aged Person. Haber, Gilda. 1992.
  • Contemporary World Architecture. Pearman, Hugh. 1998.
  • Environmental Design. Architecture And Technology. : Coltom - Winslow, Margaret. 1995.
  • The Culture of Building. Davis, Howard. 1999.
  • The Elements of Style. Calloway, Stephen and Mitchell Beazley. 1991
  • The World Atlas of Architecture. Norwich, John Julius ed. 1991.

Course Objectives: At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
  • learn the nature of architecture by enabling them to discover their ability to manipulate basic forms and shapes into the basis of architectural form
  • discover shapes and its translation into mass, form and shape
  • learn the basis of architectural design
  • express their creativity and skill through manipulation of shapes and forms to achieve the basis of architecture

Course Outline:
  • Introduction to the concept of '”DESIGN"
  • Visual thinking and Graphic Ideas; Design Concepts
  • Design Metaphors, Similes and Analogies; Problem Identification, Understanding
  • Formulation of Ideas, Problem Solving Activities and Presentation of Solution
  • Introduction to Elements of Design focusing on Forms (various shapes as applied in design)
  • Introduction to Elements of Design focusing on Visuals (color, texture, line, value, shape, movement, space etc)
  • Elements of Architecture
  • Introduction to Principles of Design, Order and ordering Elements
  • Geometry and Shapes; Scale, Size, Proportion and Optical Weight
  • Repetition, Rhythm, Balance, Symmetry, Harmony and Pattern

Studio Equipment: Drafting Table and drafting chair

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