Blogger Widgets B. S. in Architecture: The Curriculum

B. S. in Architecture: The Curriculum

Do you wish to have a degree in Architecture? Well, that’s great. Architect profession in the Philippines is shining and not too populated. Besides, the education in Architecture is Superb and you could even learn things that are so useful in everyday living and could probably shaped you into a much better person as you mature. 

Most people ask, “Do I have to be good in drawing to study Architecture?” The answer is NO.

Architecture is not just about drawing, but it’s more on a Science in the study of developing the best place for the society and nature, in accordance to its functions. If you have that kind of desire, then you can be an Architect too, for sure! Drawing is only one of the methods and perhaps the most effective way for an Architect to explain his work. This drawing thing is not really a problem. Though it's an advantage if you're already good at it, this can also be learned along the way in your 5 years in school, so don’t make this a hindrance for you to become an Architect.

What you need to be worried of, are the technical subjects that you’ll have to get into, because aside from Arts and Academic subjects, B. S. Architecture has Technical subjects which are most likely pulling most of the students down. To give yourself an idea, click here to view the Curriculum of Architecture and the List of Technical Subjects or find the BS Architecture page above and think about it before you decide. You can also view here the list of accredited Colleges and Universities around the Philippines that offer B. S. Architecture.

You may also link directly to PRBoA's example, Curriculum 1 and Curriculum 2.

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