Blogger Widgets Result of January 2014 Architect Board Exam (Manila)

Result of January 2014 Architect Board Exam (Manila)

Welcome new Architects! Congratulations to all 55% (793 out of 1,442) successful examinees for this month’s Licensure Examination for Architects held in Manila last 17th & 19th of January, as administered by the Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA) headed by it’s Chairman, Arch. Rolando L. Cordero with members, Arch. Yolanda D. Reyes and Arch. Fidel Jose R. Siapno.

The result was officially announced today 24th of January 2014, by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC).

This time, a graduate from UP Diliman ranked the 1st place. The top performing school is the Mapua Institute of Technology – Manila with 82%.

These are the top-10 successful examinees:

The following is the complete list of successful examinees:
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