Blogger Widgets Degree in Architecture Has No Guarantee of Becoming an Architect

Degree in Architecture Has No Guarantee of Becoming an Architect

It is sad to say, but it is so true that not all architecture graduates will go straight forward to their dreamed, to become a licensed Architect. By just looking on the past board exam results, the majority of the examinees always fail. And in addition to that, there might also other graduates that do not have the chance to take the board exam at all. This is why there are only few registered architects in the country until today. As of 30-Jun-2013, only 12,172 registered Architects listed in the List of Members in Good Standing by the United Architects of the Philippines (UAP). This list however excludes the deceased and non-active architects.

Though, no licensed Architects considered themselves successful. But being an architecture degree holder, success is just around you. It is only a matter of how you handle it.

It sounds biased, but architecture really makes a person versatile. Wherever that person will be in the future, he or she will surely stands out from the crowd.

For new graduates, this might be their most exciting moment, to step in the real world at last. The first move would be to find a mentor, or find a job overseas, or go back to school or travel far. Whatever you do, this is the moment for you to make mistakes. Nobody expect you to do perfect things, even those who told you that you could. Just go out there and do what you believe are right, even if it’ll end up wrong. You can’t tell that the fire is hot if you didn't get burned once.

In the office, always give what your boss’ ask. His orders are your challenges. If he ask you to photocopy, do it; to research, make research online or offline; to prepare CAD drawing or rendering, do it your best; to revise your own design, revise it without regrets; to estimates, prepare it; to site visit, go to site in all weather; to purchase materials, do it; to prepare payroll, calculate it; to delegate sports activity, be there; and many more others. The idea here is to experience everything as much as possible, not only inside the office but also outside. Socialize with your friends and your friend’s friends. All of these will help build your professional personality.

At the end of the day, some of you might end up too far from being an Architect. Some end up having an export and import business; or become a supplier of construction materials; or owner of print studio. Some become a CAD manager; or a planner, or a quantity surveyor, or a high paid designer, renderer of Zaha Hadid; or a contributor in an international architectural magazine; or a furniture designer; or become a respected contractor; or a project manager; or a project inspector of HOK. This is only to name the few possibilities of where these graduates are going.

Only few will become a licensed architect, but some become better than the licensed one and that’s fact too. If today you still do not hold a license, do not let yourself down. You are a versatile person, live with your best onto what is there in your way. Remember, life is so short.

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