Blogger Widgets Architectural Design 3

Architectural Design 3


Course Description: Design exercises stressing the value of programming, orientation, and inter-relationship of interior spaces.

Number of Units: Lecture – 1unit and Studio – 2 units
Number of Hours per week: Lecture - 1 hour and Studio – 6 hours

Prerequisite: Architectural Design 2 & Theory of Architecture 2

Related Textbooks and References:
  • Architectural Graphic Standards: McGraw Hill. Latest Edition
  • Building Types: Time Savers: McGraw Hill. Latest Edition
  • Architecture And Identity: Responses To Cultural And Technological Change. Abel, Chris.
  • Architecture And Landscape : Barragán, Luis.
  • Architecture And The World Outside. Woud, Auke van Der.
  • Architecture As Environment. Conti, Flavio.
  • Architecture : Form, Space & Order. Ching, Francis D.K.
  • Architecture In The Philippines: Filipino Building In A Cross-Cultural Context. Klassen, Winand.
  • Architecture Is Elementary: Visual Thinking Through Architectural Concepts. Winters, Nathan B.
  • Contemporary World Architecture. Pearman, Hugh.
  • Environmental Design. Architecture And Technology. : Coltom-Winslow, Margaret.
  • The Culture of Building. Davis, Howard.
  • The Elements of Style. Calloway, Stephen and Mitchell Beazley.
  • The World Atlas of Architecture. Norwich, John Julius Ed.

Course Objectives:
At the end of the course, the students should be able to;
  • Learn architectural forms emphasizing on the development and manipulation of the interior spaces
  • Perform architectural programming
  • Appreciate the concept of territoriality
  • Apply architectural relationships of various interior spaces

Course Outline:

  • Importance of Climatological, Ecological, Solar & Wind Considerations Day lighting to Design
  • Basic Space Programming, Basic Proximity Matrices Complex Space Programming, Detailed Proximity Matrices

Studio Equipment:

  • Drafting Table and various drafting tools

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